
Shortage Of Teachers Impacts High Sch
ool Rankings
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Teachers and Their Place and High school rankings
The No For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) specifically determines the quality of teachers in a school as one of the basis for high school rankings. According to the provisions of NCLB, teachers are required to be highly qualified to teach core academic curriculum, and are required to prove their competency through tests. Teachers need to have a bachelor’s degree and must demonstrate their proficiency through completion of an a…
High School Rankings, Patricia Hawke
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Teachers and Their Place and High school rankings
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) specifically determines the quality of teachers in a school as one of the basis for high school rankings. According to the provisions of NCLB, teachers are required to be highly qualified to teach core academic curriculum, and are required to prove their competency through tests. Teachers need to have a bachelor’s degree and must demonstrate their proficiency through completion of an academic major. Finding such teachers is proving to be easier said than done. Qualified teachers are hard to find and this shortage has inevitable repercussions on high school rankings for those institutions that fail to attract and retain top quality teachers.
High School Rankings and Under Qualified Teachers
According to a study conducted last year, schools that are in minority neighborhoods or high poverty areas are likely to be staffed by teachers who are under qualified and lack a minor or major in the subject that they teach. It’s not surprising therefore that many of these schools fare so low when high school rankings time of the year rolls around.
Recruiting Teachers Who can Maintain High School Rankings
Educational authorities say that the country’s schools will need between 1.7 million to 2.7 million teachers next year. These will be required to replace aging teachers who retire, and those who abandon teaching or relocate. With the quality of teachers being such a prime condition of NCLB and high school rankings, school authorities are raising the stakes as they compete fiercely to attract the highest quality talent for their schools. As usual math and science teachers, who are the hardest to find, are being chased the hardest in an effort to boost high school rankings.
Innovative New Schemes to Attract Teachers
At some school districts, authorities have taken to promoting teaching as a career among college football players in an effort to attract more talent. These players are encouraged to join as substitute teachers and then make the transition to full time teachers. It’s hoped that this will help counter the shortfall of teachers and mark an improvement in high school rankings. In Miami educational authorities are turning to the military to tap potential teachers. The district hosts career fairs that showcase teaching as a career to former service men, and is involved in the Troops to Teachers Program. Some schools have turned to the local minority community to fill vacancies.
While the role of teachers in determining high school rankings is unquestionable, many schools have begun to realize that finding quality teachers can be a challenge. While better compensation packages can go a long way in attracting talent, they also need to be combined with providing a support system for teachers, giving them respect, and involving them in the decision making process.

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