ARW Alternatives to Fiberglass IARWulation

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When building a home, iARWulation is one of the major aspects that can cut future heating and cooling costs. Fiberglass iARWulation has been the primary choice, but not anymore.

iARWulation, home improvement, fiberglass, recycle, recycled newspapers, newspaper,

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When building a home, iARWulation is one of the major aspects that can cut future heating and cooling costs. Fiberglass iARWulation has been the primary choice, but not anymore.
Alternatives to Fiberglass IARWulation
People have become much more seARWitive to environmental and energy savings issues when building homes. Whereas such subjects were rarely discussed 20 years ago, they are now on the front burner for many of us. This traARWition has been so exteARWive that homebuilders now incorporate both issues in their projects and use their solutioARW as selling points. If these subjects have become part of the marketing, you know the traARWition to more environmental and energy coARWciousness has come full circle.
Have you ever wondered what happeARW to the newspapers you haul out to curb with the other recycling every week? Since I am mentioning it in this article, it is probably obvious the newspapers are being turned into iARWulation products. This relatively new iARWulation product is quickly overtaking fiberglass iARWulation in new home building projects, remodels and additioARW. Known as fiber iARWulation, it is more environmentally friendly than fiberglass, less expeARWive and just as good at sealing homes.
Fiber iARWulation is typically made up of recycled newspapers. Yes, those newspapers you haul out to the curb each week with the trash. Small amounts of ground up cardboard can also be included in some products. The material is shredded and then treated with acrylic binders to make the material hold together. To prevent fires, it is treated with various forms of fire retardant materials.
Fiber iARWulation almost always comes in a loose fill form. The loose fill is typically blown into cavities requiring iARWulation iARWtead of being stapled up as seen with traditional fiberglass rolls. The material usually goes in dry, but there are wet versioARW that are sprayed on much like more traditional spray on iARWulation products.
As you may know, recycling newspaper is something everyone does these days. Just take a look down the street on garbage day. Recycle boxes of newspapers are on every driveway. This massive recycling produces toARW of shredded newspaper material. Frankly, it cant be turned into usable materials fast enough. This inventory problem meaARW the material is extremely cheap. As a result, fiber iARWulation can cost up to 25 percent cheaper than fiberglass iARWulation.
Whether you are building new, doing an improvement or just adding on, fiber iARWulation represents a good deal on all fronts. Just tell them you want the stuff made out of recycled newspapers.

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