Film Making in Canada Schools

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Film Making in Canada Schools
You love movies. As far as you’re concerned, you’ve always loved them. So when it comes to making your choice of careers, filmmaking comes naturally. What doesn’t come naturally, however, is where you want to learn the art of filmmaking.
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But is that all there is to it? Location?
The truth of the matter is that film schools are everywhere. Nearly every school in every state offers some type of film program or another. Plus, consider the advances in digital film technology these days. Thanks to digital filmography, films can now be made anywhere. So where do you attend film school? It doesn’t matter. What matters is what you learned from your one or two-year of intensive study of movie making.
That said, here is select list of film making in Canada schools for you to choose from:
Victoria Motion Picture School
Located in Canada’s British Columbia capital, Victoria, the Victoria Motion Picture School is only one of the film making in Canada schools that offer full-time programs and independent workshops for future movie makers.
Their full-time programs spans eight months of intensive training in all the technical aspects of filmmaking or acting, depending on which is your area of concentration. On the other hand, their independent workshops focus more on real, hands-on training with access to all the latest in filmmaking technology.
Toronto Film College
Toronto is famous for the Toronto Film Fest that happens every year where accolades are handed out to independent filmmakers and artists who are not afraid to try something without the safety net of big budgets from Hollywood studios. But Toronto’s affair with movie making doesn’t end there as it is the seat of one of film making in Canada Schools Toronto Film College.
The school is known for producing students who are skilled in seeing film projects to the end as well as aware of the delicate and often complicated artistry that is filmmaking.
Vancouver Film School
Yet another film making in Canada schools that made to this list is the Vancouver Film School. Offering courses from visual art & design to 3D Animation and Acting for Film & Television, this post-secondary entertainment arts school offers a year of intensive training in filmmaking, balancing both the theoretical and technical aspects of making movies. Other courses offered at this prestigious film making in Canada schools are Classical Animation, Digital Character Animation, Film Production, Makeup Design for Film & Television, Writing for Film, TV & Interactive Media and many more.

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